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Threads: 28
Members: 69
Posts per day: 0.08
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Members per day: 0.07
Posts per member: 1.2
Threads per member: 0.41
Replies per thread: 1.96
Newest Member: BruceReode
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Most popular forum: Anything (52 posts, 20 threads)
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Information (12 replies)
Hi everyone! (11 replies)
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (7 replies)
Am I the only one who gives a damn about this place? (6 replies)
My child part of serebiiforums (5 replies)
How are you guys liking Pokemon Scarlet/Violet? (3 replies)
Hi VH... (2 replies)
BDSP Starter (2 replies)
My child who was part of serebiiforums was hit and killed (2 replies)
It's funny how Misty never became a main character in Pokemon ever again (2 replies)
How are you liking the DLC/update 1.1.0 for Pokemon Legends Arceus? (1 replies)
Accidentally made a double post trying to quote (1 replies)
So what exactly is going on? (1 replies)
My child part of serebiiforums (0 replies)
How many times have you replayed Pokemon Legends Arceus? (0 replies)
Information (1,823 views)
Hi everyone! (1,607 views)
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (1,007 views)
Am I the only one who gives a damn about this place? (882 views)
My child part of serebiiforums (778 views)
My child who was part of serebiiforums was hit and killed (554 views)
Hi VH... (489 views)
It's funny how Misty never became a main character in Pokemon ever again (449 views)
BDSP Starter (425 views)
So what exactly is going on? (387 views)
How are you liking the DLC/update 1.1.0 for Pokemon Legends Arceus? (332 views)
Accidentally made a double post trying to quote (319 views)
How are you guys liking Pokemon Scarlet/Violet? (304 views)
Event organiser in chennai (270 views)
Question about my child (254 views)